What We do

Century Global X is the only independent provider in the marketplace with proven long term success implementing and running an Inbound Freight Management Program.

  • The Retailer Client and the Customer have one point of contact for on-time delivery coordination. Century Global X works on behalf of both parties to meet the delivery requirements.
  • Customers do not have to make delivery appointments at the Distribution Centres. The total shipment handling process is managed by Century Global X from coordination of pickup through to on-time delivery.
  • With one call both the Customer and the Retailer Client have the ability to track and trace all shipments.
  • Century Global X on-time service performance exceeds 99%.
  • Century Global X co-ordinates service requirements for “special event” programs.
  • Century Global X, as the Supply Chain manager, has the ability to adapt transportation solutions for both the Retailer Client and its Customers when necessary to ensure on-time service.
  • The Inbound Program is designed to be price competitive with rates consistent with the Customers all-in delivered cost to the Retailer’s Distribution Centres.

Century Global X Commitment to the Environment

Our Commitment to Reducing our Environmental Footprint

At Century Global X we continue to align with carriers who continually implement the newest ‘green’ technology and that foster a work environment which respects our commitment to the environment. 

Some examples of this are

  • Using intermodal service to reduce the number of trailers moving over the road.
  • Supporting carriers that use speed limiters to reduce the amount of fuel consumed and C02 emitted.
  • Ensure carriers have routine maintenance of all equipment to ensure maximum efficiency.
  • We continue to look for carriers that introduce the latest technologies that improve fuel consumption.

Our focus and processes ensure we continue to reduce loads by

  • Using logistics loading equipment that maximizes trailer space utilization. Loading the trailers logistically increases the total available space by 40%.
  • Using routing technology that minimizes time and km’s on the road. To date we have taken over 6.6 million kilometers annually off the road within our client and customers transportation networks.
  • Century Global X has helped reduce CO2 emissions by 7,169 tonnes annually.

As our company grows so does our positive
impact on the environment.